Monday, January 12, 2009

All Better!

I was permitted in my sister's house again this's been almost 2 weeks, which in the world of my sisters and me, is a long time.

The girls are much better - eating, drinking, playing, laughing, and pooping (real poop) - sorry for the grossness there, but it was a BIG deal.

For some weird reason Nica was clinging to me. It was really sweet. And then as I was holding her and talking to my sister, she fell asleep. It's so sedating to have a little one sleeping on hear their sleeping breaths and it is so relaxing. I didn't want to move her or leave. We did eventually get her onto the couch and she was out!

It was so nice to spend time with them again...I missed them tons!


Who's ready for "The Bachelor" tonight? I AM!


pajama mom said...

thank goodness!

slowly growing old together said...

I'll be caught up on the bachelor by the end of the week. Can't wait to start talking with you about it!

Anonymous said...

I watched most of the Bachelor last night, I can't wait to hear your thoughts!