Monday, April 14, 2008

The Initiation

So, I guess that I have been resistant to join the forces of the Blogger-World, but alas, I have surrendered. Since I am so bad at keeping in touch with friends via phone and even email, I figured that this has become the next best alternative. My 3 roommates from Allegheny College started their own blogs (see their links here), and I have found that it is a great way to remain updated on the current events of their busy lives. So, I hope that those who check my blog will have the same satisfaction. I encourage comments, and please don't think that I am going to stop checking and sending emails, because I will continue to email for more personal matters. Now remember, I am new at this, so I am trying to format the layout and get everything right. Therefore, please excuse frequent changes. And those of you who are veterans at this, tips will be much appreciated!


Anonymous said...

Crap, does this mean I have to join the blogger bandwagon too? I don't know how much interesting stuff I would have to say though!

WASPy Girl said...

Hey, Carla!

I'm so excited you started a blog!! Nice work. I'll be checking daily.


slowly growing old together said...

I'll be checking daily, too. And, Becca, yes you need to start a blog. GET ON IT!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey I have never done this... but for my oldest friend I had to check it out!! I am disappointed that there are not other pictures!! but I don't know how to check this without going into my e-mail so I guess I will just have to wait until Monday and discuss everything and the bachlor. Love you

Anonymous said...

Hey I have never done this... but for my oldest friend I had to check it out!! I am disappointed that there are not other pictures!! but I don't know how to check this without going into my e-mail so I guess I will just have to wait until Monday and discuss everything and the bachlor. Love you