Sunday, March 13, 2011

Feeling pretty big!

So we're 32 weeks along - and I am feeling even bigger than I was the morning of my C-Section with Luci.

Oh well - I have to admit - I did not exercise this time.
When I was pregnant with Luci, I had all the time in the world since I didn't have another child to take care of, so swimming 3-4 times a week was no problem.

Now - with an extremely active toddler, and a husband who doesn't come home till late due to coaching - finding time to get to a pool proved to be a trying task. Add on the exhaustion of working and pregnancy - I gave up trying. So I am sure that have gained a little more than before.

Here is a picture of me at 32 weeks with Luci:

Here is a picture of me at 32 weeks now:
Like the little protrusion at my belly button? Yep, Luci gave me an umbilical hernia, which has grown during this pregnancy - so a hernia repair is certainly in my future, but hopefully I can hold off until we are sure about the number of kids we want (we always talked about 3, we will see how we do with 2 and then be sure).

I think that I am carrying lower this time too - with Luci being frank breech - she remained up pretty high the entire time. During my last visit to the doctor, she thought that this one was vertex already, but wasn't 100% sure yet.

Hopefully, this one will cooperate!


slowly growing old together said...

Your tummy is rounder this time. You look fabulous. Hope you are feeling well, aside from the exhaustion. Praying this little one will cooperate and you'll be able to have a natural birth.

Sarah said...

You look great! Yeah, I didn't exercise nearly as much during Will's pregnancy. Are you going to VBAC if possible?

Carla said...

VBAC is my plan - i have until may 17th to go into labor on my own - then it's c-section time. hoping i will go on my own!