Sunday, June 17, 2012

Big Day

We didn't succumb to the drama of the "Dance Moms" studio, but we still have a diva in the making!

Luci successfully completed her first dance recital!

But let me tell you - it was a hot mess:
everyone doing different dance moves at different times,
a senior dancer had to come out and help them along,
and finally, they almost did front rolls on top of each other!

I had tears streaming down my face from laughing so hard!

Despite the craziness - it was awesome! 
I am just so proud of her for actually getting on stage without me nearby!

Here are some of her professional pics:


slowly growing old together said...

She looks SO grown up.

J. said...

She does look so grown up. Brings back so many fun memories of childhood. Where I live now, there is not so much of a "dancing school culture." Dance was HUGE growing up. Jill